The Real Martial Arts
I was looking this morning for ideas for our December marketing campaign. I looked into photos, different campaigns and quite a lot of propaganda. At the end of the day I was extremely disappointed as all I could find out was about the ability to fight and in a way be able to beat others. … Read more
Back to School Self-Defense
Bullying, harassment, threats, intimidation and assault are thing that we face quite frequently. We do not think about it but any time we are introduced into a new environment we increase the potential of become a victim to one of these threats. It is actually normal if you consider that the threat itself comes from … Read more
Why I teach martial arts
This week I have been putting pressure on one of my students. He is one of the youngest in my school and has been milking this fact to no end. He has also been blessed with intelligence and the ability to manipulate others with a puppy face. He seems to have a great time at … Read more
The Best Martial Arts School
Today was a day of meditation and as always the time I spent on that activity brought me more questions than answers. The first thing that crossed my mind was the popularity of the martial arts and the way our present culture selects the school for their children. The interesting fact is that if you … Read more